Ravi's has quite a list of gastronomical delights on their menu, having flown in cooks (most important of all) direct from select states of India, in order to deliver a variety of specialties known in parts of the country to their patrons. There are a few personal faveforites that i am able to mention, a known signature in their menu is the "claypot prawn masala." (i don't want to get technical on the recipe, all to say it's heavenly spicy)
What to expect at Ravi's, a sure guaranty of freshly cooked food and nothing of yesterday's left overs, expect their waiters and kitchen staff eager anxious to get you what you want from the menu, (you may be surprised to later find out you've been waited on by the owner, i wont mention names. I've had a few short chat's with the owner, a very nice and humble natured person), expect a little of confusion sometimes on orders with some waiters (language slang difference) which i'm sure will be gone in no time.
Remember as i've mentioned, majority of Ravi's staff were brought in from India, to serve authentic cuisines of the country, expect the confusion with waiters as temporary and a reason for one not to come back to this place. "Expect the place to be packed specially during lunch", expect to cue up for a table by lunch... (Malaysian saying, "when there is a cue, the food is good") expect pricing to be reasonable when benchmarked local pricing in the area (for a feast like this i find it cheap)
for those clueless on what "banana leaf" dinning refers too, i need not say more... so the next time you got a craving for this stuff, whether you are around Kuala Lumpur or Petaling Jaya ... you got to try Ravi's Banana Leaf ... bet ya its worth the trip. (also have a go with the "mutton varuval" and fried fish tenggiri) till next time, i'm out of here..