Few weeks back my nieces on holiday went and had a ball parasailing. Being first timers at the sport, but would qualify for the next step into skydiving, yup thats right skydiving (jumping from a pretty good aircraft just like what they guys do in the AIRBORNE unit).first to try this x-game is "Princes Alina" of Tarkey, with "Fredo Corleone" of course before anything else must get instructions wan from the jump instructor.. of cors cannot tahan "Don Boy Jaguar" have to keppochi if all chute harness is fasten correctly.. ("Don Boy Jaguar" is master he many jumps already in the Artillery Battalion or SAB)
the princes like always must take a pose first must wan before take off.... in Alina's mind she thinks she is harnessed to a "PRADA" made chute ..."Fredo Corleone" heart bit so fast oledi, of cos cannot stop last minute pointers too from jump champion "Don Boy Jaguar" of the SAB.....Princess cannot be bothered wan this one my "PRADA" chute mah.
okay 1, 2, 3, run and liftoff "Princess Alina" enjoy the right she just cannot be bothered with the thrill of the they are 3 feet above sea level...however "Fredo Corleone" at this point looks like he oledi in the position to pee ;)
not bad for the take off, now in the air flying flying around pretty cool huh...being tugged into the air with a 150 foot line and you got the adrenaline rushing for this newbies. (Team 1)
now its time for the landing, when landing with a parachute any chute for that matter come with slot vents in the canopy connected to weight lines for manuvering your turn and descent.. "Fredo Corleone" in this case is trying his best to get the chute to turn for their approach.
looked like a good approach... however a second after Team 1 burried thier faces in the sand .. crashed and burned ... if it were a real deal this two ended up with broken legs... unfortunately was not able to take the photo of the crash i was too busy laughing.
alls well "Alina and Fredo" walks away with the momory of sand in their faces. time to change teams, tema 2 "Michael Corleone" and hmmmmmm [Hor je] Guinea Pig aka "Jynxx Farm"
"Michael Corleone" more confident in checking the gear, than older brother "Fredo", "Jynxx" is this just facinating @#$(*&&_** will we crash and burn....or will we just die LOL mind boggling huh!
check check check....look see look see.... moi moi moi .... getting last minute instructions from the i dont know what to say, however this fellows were kinda cool...they should be cool since you pay them US$ 20 for a go at this and the ride lasts for 15 minutes ;)
what the heck, we only live twice...thats if you make it...and we only die trice or is it the wrong saying whatever.... moi moi moi moi.
good take off .... smooth, this fellas can tryout for the NS .....question which branch of the armed forces :)) but am sure can what you think.
ok pose first an look at camera before they get pulled further out the sea....
coming in for the landing, not bad manuevering by "Michael Corleone" just like in the movie he was cut out for this stuff
not bad this two, they did a perfect landing.... can class them as airborne assets with SAF.
back on the ground with still too much of the adrenaline rush ... okay lor just run run. Anyway if you are around Batu Ferringhi or checked in at the HardRock hotel Penang.. you may consider having a shot at parasailing one of the recommended activities besides drinking beer LOL ;)