Anyway cut the theatric intro chit chat, CNY is long way gone, but flashes of being with family "The Brocolli Family" is as fresh as yesterday (BS), anyway let me move on... 2nd day of CNY we "Don Boy Jaguar" decided to host a the dinner out of the HardRock hotel, at this RESTORAN called FERRINGHI GARDEN ..... not gardemn i looked twice its garden .... and not RESTAURANT.as you enter this exceptionally posh restaurant, TIGER KING greets you, who tiger? that tiger lah! oh is Lion is it.... can someone enlighten me what it really is TIGER! LION! TIGER! LION! TIGER! LION!...... Orchid lah.
this is a place comendable for its exterior and interior design, i'll rate them 4 stars for it. Stracture beams and trashes seen to be of stained hardwood giving it an antic finish ambiance to their patrons.
a pick from the entrance gives you the cozy and relax feel to compliment a perfect holiday, be it as a couple spending time as a getaway or as a family gathering reunion.
speaking of family!, i present to you again "La Familia Brocolli" not the vegstable but the family from my hometown Sicily.... "Gadfather" impatient oledi.....he hungri oledi mah... walk so far from hotel work him apetite.... YOU WANT ORDER O NOT??? "Godmother" of cos wife of "Godfather" look see look see who wanna order.... Michael Corleone quiet get shock as "princess Alina" from TARKEY kepohchi look see oso with "Jezikill KILL FARMVILLE"
soli prends "Corleone" familia photograph a bit darkness because the eyes of photographer is blur blur.... and stomach not so good ....
wowee possing posing "Don Boy Jaguar" with "Donna Condo de la Mexico" picture with sunbarn due to Jetski practice... face of Boy Jaguar expression say hmmmmm "I pokai soon" wait till you hear about menu!!!!.
gadfather "Don Vito Corleone" and "Godmother" possing possing .... godfather face expression say wan hmmmm you sure wan pokai wan
"Michael Corleone" and "Kay Adams" possing for posterity, this place restaurant is good for pak to pak to wan mah! ni hao eeho eehoo ehooo furture to be
"Ma Barker" smilling smiling got rose samore, rosas para ala comer dios mio, "Don Boy Jaguar" todos be sonreir por el mas pobre mentras ..... (POKAI LAH)
This is my new prend ehoo ehooo "Jynxx FARM KILLER" 40 million coins possing possing with "Fredo Corleone"
this is not part of the menu, not to worry we will get there soon to that part..... this are pitcher plants part of the flora and fona in the restaurant
you see what i mean about this place, the ambiance of dinning in a garden or is it the reverse the garden is dinning with you
open air veranda garden dinning cool
see what i meen about the interior of this place? see see see look see nice isnt it, the layout of the bar is excelente, good mood lighting.
how did hairstylist and prend get in there?
"Don Boy Jaguar" thinkin thinking HUH how did that get in there..... now back to the menu Jaguar thinking thinking .... im in trouble FRIED RICE gong xi fa cai special for the day RM 30.00, nevermind he thinking thinking what the hell is in it? If the saying goes "A picture paints a thousand words" "MaBarker" face says it all.... she shock and awe what the hell is in that FRIED RICE oh dear Me POKAI TOO
this two smile smile wan "Princes Alina Tarkey" "Jynxx FARM KILLER VILLE" this means they kenna their daddy wan hahahahhahaha .... don't ever order the "Black Angus Beef" Steak 10 ounces RM 288.00 What the Hell did they feed the cow it came from .... golden grass ah!
ok now everybody sitted and waiting to be served....i stomach ache already looking at the prices on menu... look at the waiter's speed of service in the corner, he very fast fast wan run and put food on table so cannot escape your order wan.... sure must pay wan ......hahahhaa kenna pokai .... "Don Boy Jaguar" look see with amazement.
all in all this place is a recommended place to dine, ambiance is perfect for a date, however you got to have deeper pockets if you are thinkin of a steak candle light dinner for your date... specially on Chinese New Year ...(wong spellings are part of the comedy) i see you ;)
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