Mix Sea Food Noodle Snack
INGREDIENTS: Some noodles, id say any noodle will do, found in the local Pasar Malam (night market), 7 pieces medium prawns, 2 medium white squid (Sotong Puti) sliced, half brown sotong (dunno whats it called locally), half an onion, 1 tblspoon black thick soya sauce, salt and peper to taste. and 2 cups fish stock.
Directions: Just cook chincai lah... ;) kidding aside...stir fry the onions in 2 table spoons of oil till tranlucent, add in your Sotong Puti and Sotong Brown, add in the 2 cups fish stock and bring to a boil, add your dry noodles and cook al dente, then lastly add your prawns bring to a simmer and its ready to eat.
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